Submission Guide

1.  Submissions are CLOSED.

     * Poems:  Include 1-2 poems in the body of your email, 35 lines 
or less. Send to  Include a brief bio 
of 50 words or less.

 Submissions are CLOSED to Poppy Dreadfuls.
    * Chaplet:  Send a mini-collection of 10-13 poems with a central 
theme, 30 lines or less per poem.  Include cover art, title page, 
acknowledgements, dedication (optional), and author bio.
2.  Previously published work is accepted if it was published over one 
year ago.

3.  If published, please wait two weeks before submitting again.

4.  If your submission wasn't accepted, please wait one month before 

submitting again. Failure to follow this policy will result in your 
submission being deleted upon receipt.

5.  Black Poppy Review acquires exclusive one-time online/electronic 
and print rights to publish poetry and to maintain archives that contain 
current material.  After publication, all rights revert to the author.  
If the work should be published in the future, Black Poppy Review 
asks only for credit.

6.  All works will be published on a rolling basis.  Expect a general wait
time of 1-3 months for a response.


  1. Are authors paid for accepted works?

  2. No, unfortunately this is not a paying journal.

  3. I love your journal!!! It is full of many talented writers.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.