January 8, 2017

Buried by Sandy Hiss

The broken-down and dying
scribble their detached names
in the muddy, coastal sand.

Each stroke of driftwood

a wound they suffered alone;
their toes buried in discomfort

from walking barefoot in circles.

Dead starfish and brown seaweed
litter the beach like discarded

bones, marrow intact.  A hermit

crab picks at the decaying bodies,
attempting to retrieve the secrets

of the ancient cerulean sea.  But,

she will never reveal her mystery,
her connection to the moon's clock.

Quickly erases the beach graffiti

with the curl of the tide, knowing
the sunset will bring more souls,

sleepwalking their way into her arms.

Sandy Hiss has always been intrigued by haunted houses, ancient cemeteries, forests, gardens, and abandoned buildings. She currently resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. 


  1. I loved the piece, found the lines:

    Quickly erases the beach graffiti
    with the curl of the tide, knowing
    the sunset will bring more souls,

    sleepwalking their way into her arms.

    STUNNING! Thank you for sharing Sandy,

  2. Thanks for the kind comment, Ken! I'm glad that you enjoyed the poem.


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