April 3, 2018

Moon Glow by Michael Keshigian

Every night a secret message.
Whisper tonight
about the translucent bones
of icicles on the gutter.
Their reflection is a disclosure
of your stalking.
You enter as a burglar
through a window of your choosing
upon the heels of darkness
and leave no fingerprints,
yet cleverly illuminate riddles
between the elusive shadows
you create,
some darker than others,
convoluted images
in the most remote corners
of the room.
The sleepless await an explanation
but your peering eyes slip away 
as the clouds make you blink.
When you steal away,
no one is the wiser.
The sand in your light
eventually blinds into submission
the most suspicious
who, in the morning, awake perplexed
and unaware of your intrusion,
until the icicles drip
in the rising sunlight.

Michael Keshigian, from New Hampshire, had his twelfth poetry collection, Into The Light, released in April, 2017 by Flutter Press. He has been published in numerous national and international journals including Oyez Review, Red River Review, Sierra Nevada College Review, Oklahoma Review, Chiron Review and has appeared as feature writer in over  twenty publications with 6 Pushcart Prize and 2 Best Of The Net nominations. (michaelkeshigian.com)

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