May 6, 2018

Bitter by Stephen Jarrell Williams

Everything at her fingertips
And everyone
But no one completely

All these years
Looks and body
Eye-catcher near perfect

Until age bent her bitter
Teeth sharpening into a horror
Cavities decaying

Mini effigies
Oozing from her brain pores
Snake ghosts

Bread of dry crumbling cells
Burnt toast

Wrapped in a hardening cocoon
Captivity hung

Nightmare on a hangman’s noose
Sobbing until cutting loose

The fall
A last grasp
Changing slap

Picking herself up
Stumbling to the pond in the garden
Moon-mirror waters

Cupping her hands for a drink

Ripples of time she tastes
Finally understanding herself

Acceptance of mercy
Bitterness into freedom

Beautiful wilting of a flower.

Stephen Jarrell Williams has had over 1,000 poems published nationally and internationally in print and online magazines. He has been “the poet on call” for Billy Graham’s Decision Magazine, called by some The Great Poet of Doom, and has been the Editor of Calvary CrossDead Snakes, and UFO Gigolo online magazines.

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