May 14, 2018

Diminution by Michael Keshigian

On a tree
by a narrow street
upon an bending bough
I perch in a dream
over people in a field
hovering about 
an empty hole
obstructed by a box
with contents
of what use to be me.
Some are sobbing,
most are somber
and few hide
a reluctant obligatory glint.
All see the hyphen 
between random dates
engraved upon granite,
transform my toil
to a trophy abbreviation 
for living.

Michael Keshigian, from New Hampshire, had his twelfth poetry collection, Into The Light, released in April, 2017 by Flutter Press. He has been published in numerous national and international journals including Oyez Review, Red River Review, Sierra Nevada College Review, Oklahoma Review, Chiron Review and has appeared as feature writer in over  twenty publications with 6 Pushcart Prize and 2 Best Of The Net nominations. (

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