June 18, 2018

William Blake's Dream by Byron Beynon

The days danced with angels.
In Broad street he watched
his brother's "spirit ascend heavenward".
Communication and conversation
on breathing streets
inside the symbolic child.
The slaughterhouse
with female butchers,
Golden square, the burial-
ground, and "infinite London's
awful spires".
His loving wife drawn
on the back of Hayley's leaf.
The darkness and burning
eyes of twin designs
on the old and young.
Pen and paintbrush,
copper-plated words and images,
the beat inside
a city's acid heart.

Byron Beynon's work has appeared in several publications including Night Garden Journal, London Magazine, Muddy River Poetry Review, Skylight 47, North of Oxford and Poetry Wales. Collections include The Sun Dial (Flutter Press), Cuffs (Rack Press), Nocturne in Blue (Lapwing Publications) and The Echoing Coastline (Agenda Editions).  Selected Poems forthcoming in 2018.

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