July 10, 2018

A Haiku Cycle by Daun Daemon

snow on hyacinths —
tiny yellow, blue, pink blooms
flocked and shivering

lean forest shadows 
creatures gasping at day’s end
thirsting for spring rains

vines crawl like serpents,
thick weeds covering rich dirt 
garden untended

a burning bush
scarlet flames against gray day
autumnal fire

Japanese bloodgood —
branches pulsing red with life
harbinger of change

cold rain drips from eaves
rhythm like a heart beating
water marking time

Daun Daemon’s stories have appeared in various journals. She has published poetry in the Haiku Journal and Typishly. Her poem “I hear her voice calling” won the Origami Poems 2017 Kindness Contest. She teaches scientific communication at NC State University and lives in Raleigh with her husband and four cats.

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