July 8, 2018

Rain and Me The Insomniac by Rimli Bhattacharya

They call me insomniac but
Do they know I love watching
the rains?

I had spent countless nights
watching the rain that 
poured on my window shields.
That desk where I had been writing
my poems now lie wet
from the raindrops. 

I tuck myself in the sleeping bag
as I listen to the rustling
of the rain drops on the mountain grasses;
gradually ebbing way through the ridges
to silence. For me to sleep – 
Me; whom they call insomniac.

It had rained yesterday
It is raining tonight and
It will rain forever as I watch through 
My window panes that sky.
That sky which is tousled 
in grey, smoke and silver.

I call for sleep when I hear
My slumber whispering me
“Lady go watch the rains”
The rains that make me insomniac
as I drink to my delight
the charm of those whispering hum
On my portico.

I decide never to sleep
with rains as my consort. 
The lightning flashes and the ominous thunder
I love them all.

They all call me insomniac
Yes I am. For I am the one 
who is in love with rains forever.

Rimli Bhattacharya is a gold medalist in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA in supply chain management. Her writing has appeared in several magazines, engineering journals, blogs, and in the anthology Book of Light. She is also a trained classical dancer and is based out of Mumbai, India. 

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