December 2, 2018

End of Season by M.J. Iuppa

There you are, my darling, standing
by the side of the road, looking hard at

asters full of bees, so ripe, so ripe, this
could be the last time you’ll witness

summer’s exhaustion. And you wonder
why I have given you this task to watch

something so small, so incidental. I
see how you shake your head, trying

to make sense of  this hesitation
next to the mailbox:

How did today’s letters
fall into your hands?

M.J. Iuppa‘s fourth poetry collection is This Thirst (Kelsay Books, 2017).  For the past 29 years, she has lived on a small farm near the shores of Lake Ontario. Check out her blog: for her musings on writing, sustainability & life’s stew.

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