October 3, 2020

The Visitor by Eunice Amero


The window was open just enough to let in the cool night air. It felt good after taking a shower and slipping between clean sheets. The night air felt so good as it blew on me helping me to relax. When finally getting to sleep I was awakened by a loud noise. It sounded like something scratching within the walls. I was concerned and got up to look out the open window to see what it could be. The night air was cool and damp, feeling like rain. Looking out over the fields I could not see anything. I tried to see what the noise could have been. I then looked down under the window and spotted a little boy who was about eight years old. I could not understand why he was sitting there all alone in the night. He was wearing a torn shirt and shorts. I quickly put on my robe and slippers then went out to bring him in. The cool night air hit me in the face and the wet grass played aound my feet. He looked thin, dirty, and scared. I noticed blood on his face and shoulders. “Are you hurt?” I asked, He was very quiet and seemed to be distant. “What’s your name?” he just stared at me. Then I said, “Why are you here?” But he still wouldn’t speak. “Do you have a name?” I smiled. All he would do was stare. “You must be hungry?” I said to him, while placing a bowl of warm soup on the table. He ate like he had not eaten for some time. After he finished I told him to follow me. When we got to the bathroom I asked, “Would you like to take a bath?” He nodded his head, yes. “Okay Honey, I will go to my son’s room and get you a robe and some clothes. When I got back downstairs I told him he could throw his clothes in the garbage and put my son’s clothes on after he bathed. “My son is the same size as you and they should fit you.” 

While the boy bathed I watched the news. It showed a picture of a young boy who looked exactly like the boy who was here. It showed his mother, father, his sister as well as this boy who were in a terrible car accident. It killed his mother, sister, as well as this boy but his father was the only one who lived and is recovering in the hospital. After hearing his name I remembered the elderly lady who sold this house to me. Before she died she told me her husband died a year ago. His name was Mr. Isaac Handcock. The same name the news reporter mentioned and she told me they had a son who had a teenage daughter and a little boy, and the boy loved to visit her. She thought the world of him and he would come all the time. 

Oh dear, I thought, have I been talking to a ghost? I quickly ran to the bathroom and when I asked if he was finished he wouldn’t answer. I asked again and tapped on the door but still no answer. I slowly opened the bathroom door with a strange feeling that maybe this boy was a ghost. When I looked he was not there. I stood and hung my head and asked myself was this boy really a ghost? I will never forget the day this visitor came to my home. I wonder if he will ever visit again? 

Eunice Amero is a published writer. She has written articles, short stories, horror, romance, essays, and poetry, that have received awards. Eunice has written 2 books: Evil was the Outcome Part 1 and 2 in 2018-2019 Horror for children and Horror part 2 for adults.

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