May 17, 2018

Paper Wasp by Martin Willitts Jr.

The skin of a paper wasp nest rips
like a map folded too many times, 

a wasp shakes out in moonlight, 
like the last moments 
of a burnt-out lightbulb,
into a surer world. 

Its wings curl, open,
like wing-nuts, rub 
before lifting towards 
darkness just breaking. 

It is indifferent
to what it brings, and if I never move
it will leave me alone. 

I will not disturb this world; 
it is too much like tissue: 

easily broken. 

Martin Willitts Jr has 20 chapbooks including the winner of the Turtle Island Quarterly Editor’s Choice Award, “The Wire Fence Holding Back the World” (Flowstone Press, 2017), plus 11 full-length collections including forthcoming full-lengths includes “The Uncertain Lover” (Dos Madres Press, 2018), and “Home Coming Celebration” (FutureCycle Press, 2019).

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