May 16, 2018

When the Storms Come by Andy Macleod

I wonder where the birds and butterflies go when the storms come
Their fragile delicate wings pulled tight
Huddled in hollows through the stormy night
And as the storm rages I wonder whether
They will ever
Fly again on a bright sunny day
Do they wonder at the storm?
As it rages through the dawn
Waiting and clinging
Hoping it will end
Or do they wonder that it will never end
And the storm is destined inevitably
To one day
Throw them completely away

Andy Macleod is a writer, poet and thinker. He is studying a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Literature and Writing, at Edith Cowan University. He enjoys short story writing and his poems have been published in two non-fiction books. He lives, works and studies in the Southwest of Western Australia.

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