July 19, 2018

Trips to Kensley by Adrian Slonaker

Oliver and his baby brother Eddie
never refused an overnight trip to see
Aunt Peggy and Uncle Lee and
Christopher and Steve
in the unincorporated community of Kensley
caressing de facto farmland
so dissimilar to their soulless suburb
lying limply on the commuter line from the city.
Unlike their own bland bungalow
where tired, trite rites and tensions
fueled fracases and failures,
Aunt Peggy’s place was perpetually splashed with
volleys of laughter and lights
and video games and whispering after dark
and bowls brimming with Better Than Robert Redford Cake,
Now Aunt Peggy and Uncle Lee have expired, and
Christopher, Steve and even Eddie
have gradually retreated into
the territory of unfamiliarity.
Ditches deepened by
decades of disappointment and boredom
have been dug across Oliver’s brow,
but sometimes he stabs the key
into his used Nissan Micra-
which isn’t even close to being paid off-
and cruises over to Kensley
onto a street that has been renamed,
to a once-halcyon house claimed by strangers
before returning to a room that's
haunted by nothing.

Adrian Slonaker works as a copywriter and copy editor in Urbandale, Iowa. Adrian's work has been nominated for Best of the Net and has appeared in The Bohemyth, Queen Mob's Tea House, Pangolin Review, Montana Mouthful, Avatar Review, and others.   

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