July 21, 2018

Summer 2017 Digest is Here


Night Garden Journal's Summer 2017 Issue featuring the fine poetry of: 

Jeff Bagato, Byron Beynon, Yuan Changming, Linda M. Crate, Ken Allan Dronsfield, David Gross, G. Louis Heath, Michael Keshigian, Eira Needham, Tamara L. Panici, Zvi A. Sesling, Ryan Stone, Marianne Szlyk, Ann Christine Tabaka, Dennis Villelmi,  Lynn White, Martin Willitts Jr., and Jim Zola.  Also included, a chaplet, Disappearing Darkness, by Martin Willitts Jr.

The digest will retail for only $4.25
Use Code BOOKSHIP18 for free mail or 50% off ground shipping - This offer is good until July 23, 2018.

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

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