October 24, 2018

One by One by Steve Klepetar

We follow each other down to the shore.
Waves rush at sea caves hollowed in the cliffs.
We welcome spray and white foam
where today a goddess could be born. 
We shriek and become the sound 
of our own raw throats. We have woken 
with wings and hard, black eyes. 
We have broken through sky into a new life. 
Our feet leave jagged marks in the sand. 
Our hollow bones salute the wind. 
All day our hunger grows, until we leap
into air, filled with light. We are legion. 
By now the sky is thick with us, black 
feathers dark as dusk with thunder rolling in.

Steve Klepetar lives in the Berkshires in Massachusetts. His work has received several nominations for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. Klepetar is the author of fourteen poetry collections, the most recent of which are A Landscape in Hell (Flutter Press) and Why Glass Shatters (One Sentence Chaps).

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